Contact Us


Retreat Hosting and Event Hosting:

Contact us to inquire about hosting a customized retreat with our team. We work with the best venues in Southern Costa Rica, epic locations which offer the perfect match for your educational experience, wellness retreat, or community event. Our team of expert event planners, marketers and providers will help transform your vision into an amazing experience you and your guests will remember forever.



Call us:
Toll-free 1-800 - 259-6061
Costa Rica 506 - 8521-6016




Sustainable Living Expedition:

If you have any questions regarding the Sustainable Living Expedition please email us



General Information:

If you have any questions, comments, ideas or anything you want to share about the Catalyst Network (or formerly the Diamante Center), please email the Operations Orchestrator HappE Roberts,



For help growing a regenerative triple bottom line business,
please contact our Executive Director, Eric Baudry at


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