Beth Corwin

Beth Corwin

Beth Klarreich Corwin has always enjoyed the movement arts and being part of a team! She graduated from the University of Michigan with a BFA in dance. She continued to acrue certifications in both yoga and personal training as well as obtaining both a white belt and blue belt in NIA.

Her favorite decade to date was homeschooling her children. The Corwin family relocated to Costa Rica  from the United States 13 years ago as they wanted to create their own systems that were more in alignment with their beliefs and leave a  smaller footprint on the planet.

As both boys are grown ups Beth spends her time teaching Yoga, Dance Fit Yoga and Contemporary dance. She has also taken up ballroom dance and has competed in Cuba, Argentina and Costa Rica. They compete separately but travel together.

This year Beth walked 500 miles in a month across Spain, completing the compostela de Santiago. 

Her most rewarding teaching experience this year has been leading yoga classes to the male inmates in a prison outside of San Isidro.

Her hopes are to continue growing and learning more in  all movement arts as well as offer herself up. She LOVES to play, travel, adventure and create. 


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